Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Go Time

Tomorrow is the big day we ship off to Namibia. Actually we spend the night in Johannesburg on Thursday and then fly to Windhoek, Namibia on Friday. It's about 18 hours total flight time... lots more in travel time. We finish up orientation in the morning with a 5am wake up call followed by shots at the clinic (oh boy), then we leave DC in the afternoon. The last two days have been great. I'm in a group of about 70 volunteers going to Namibia, most of us either as teachers or HIV/AIDS educators. Everybody seems excited about our opportunity. We've learned some of the basics so far about Peace Corps safety, policies, etc. Not the most exciting stuff, but still quite useful. Training begins officially on Saturday Nov. 3. That's when we really get down to details. Everybody says training is brutal, but necessary. I don't have much time, so the info is limited. I hope to have some better material for you next week. Take care all.


Anonymous said...

I'm very excited for you, Dave...I'll be with you in spirit always.

Love, Mom

PS how about them Packers!!!

Unknown said...

Awesome! Wishing safe travels and a great experience over the next two years.


Unknown said...

Awesome! Wishing you the best and a great time over the next two years.

Doug Coffin said...

Windhoek owns!!!

WakingwithMS said...

Oh my god!!! Welcome to peace corps, the most amazing life experience ever. I am so excited for you. I only have 9 months left. It is so hard at first, it gets better!! I Promise. You are in my heart! Put out your email address when you have a chance. Wow!!!!!!

Michaelle Tauson

P.S. embrace the parasites, they are here to stay!!!!

WakingwithMS said...

Oh my god!!! Welcome to peace corps, the most amzing life experience ever. I am so excited for you. I only have 9 months left. It is so hard at first, it gets better!! Promise. You are in my heart!

P.S. embrace the parasites, they are here to stay!

Anonymous said...

Dearest Dave,
Wish you a safe trip to Africa and John and I will keep you in mind. Please make sure that you don't get eaten by any wild animals and make sure that you don't scare them with your funny white face neither.

Your Lovely Asian Girl,

Anonymous said...


This is it. You are really doing it! We are so excited for you and our prayers are with you.

Matt and Roxy

Anonymous said...


What a colorful and informative site for your old proud of all you are doing. I will be looking in regularily.


Anonymous said...


You are finally doing it! We are so excited for you and our prayers are with you.

Matt and Roxy

Anonymous said...

Hey Dave! Wow, I am excited for you, and look forward to getting your posts. I remember my time in PC Sri Lanka was intense, but really great. Enjoy that one-day-off a week!

Anonymous said...

Oh Dave, I miss you! Thursday was just so dull without you. . . I had to really focus my sarcasm towards Tiff. She really appreciates it by the way. Also, I played Cribbage with Tim and whooped his butt. It's just not the same! We are really praying for you! Oh, make sure you go light on the olive oil when you are having your morning toast!

Liz Linssen said...

Thanks for the pictures, Dave
I am so proud of you and very excited for you!!!!
Love you,